
       1. 學科哲學基礎的三要素

       Every disciplinary philosophy, therefore, contains both an epistemology and an ontology-a framework which defines what we can come to know about it. Together these are used to define a methodology, a set of rules and procedures which indicates  how research and argument are to be conducted within the  discipline :how information can be collected and organized. Use of the methodology allows the accumulation of a disciplinary store of knowledge, the results of work aimed at comprehending a particular topic and which are accepted as valid because they were collected within the criteria of epistemology and ontology that are part of the relevant philosophy.

(R.J.Johnston, 1983)


2. 地理學科之哲學基礎

1) 經驗主義(Empiricist approaches)之哲學基礎

      · 認識論(epistemology) : 透過經驗而得到的地理知識

      · 本體論(ontology):  我們所經驗到的事即存在之知識

      · 方法論(methodology): 僅需要陳述經驗之事實

2) 實證主義取向(positivist approaches)之哲學基礎

      · 認識論(epistemology):知識的獲得雖然仍由經驗,

                     但是該經驗是被同領域之學者確信 建立  於可檢驗之基礎上

      · 本體論(ontology): 經同領域之學者認同之証據

      · 方法論(methodology):可驗証的事實陳述,通常是指


3) 人本主義取向(Humanistic approaches)之哲學基礎

      · 認識論(epistemology):知識的獲得主觀地由個人的世界產生

      · 本體論(ontology): 知識的存在在於人們識覺(perceive)到的

      · 方法論(methodology): 涉及個人世界之研究。

                     它與實証主義方法相反,強調個別性 (indivduality)及主觀性


4) 結構主義取向(structuralist approaches)之哲學基礎

      · 認識論(epistemology):  世界之外貌(我們所理解的)並未展示


      · 本體論(ontology):  研究形成該世界之機制,需要可以証明

                 「機制」真正存在的本體論, 然而「機制」是無法直接觀察


       · 方法論(methodology): 研究者多採取理論之建構(如模式、

                     數學公式等之建立), 藉以証明觀察到的知識。因為該
